Ms. Kamal Gaur is a development sector professional with M.Phil degree in Social Work from University of Delhi. She is currently working as Asia Regional Education Advisor for Save the Children International. Before this chief of Programmes and Program Director - Education in Save the Children India. She has 28 years of experience in Education planning, management, appraisal, evaluation and administration ranging from Primary Education to the Higher Education sector. She has relevant experience of working with international donors, private sector, academic institutions and other grass-root level organization on large scale projects. In past, she has worked with District Primary Education Programme (DPEP), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Technical Cooperation Agency (DFID funded) for both SSA and RMSA. She has also worked closely with international agencies such as European Union, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, JBIC, DFID, etc. She has been part of the World Bank Team for Education and has worked on Implementation Completion Report for UP- Basic Education Programme –I and II, Secondary Education Technical Programme-Maldives. With the India - EU Study Centres Programme (IESCP) on higher education project she facilitated the first ever Higher Education Policy Dialogue between India and EU in Brussels. She has worked closely with higher education institutions in Germany, France, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands and Italy. She has various reports on education to her credit. Her work with DFID for assessment of DFlD's global contribution to Gender Equity and Women Empowerment has been appreciated globally.